
Testing 1, 2, 3

I put off blogging mostly because I could not find a hip name for an airport blog. A big thank you to my coworkers who brainstormed with me.

Happy reading.

Rejects include:
Taxiway Kilo
Landing strip
Kuhnport (sounds weird)
Terminal A (already taken)
Short Final (an early favorite)
Takeoff and Landing (too long)
Terminal Talk (reminds me of blue-haired lunch ladies gossiping)
Terminal Story (think made-for-TV movie about a woman with cancer)


Jon said...

I'm still sad Kuhnport wasn't selected...

Mary Kirby said...

Rock on girl. This is great!

Please laugh; I need this. said...

What about Megalomaniac??

Unknown said...

Megalomaniac is sweet .. but is also taken as a sweet Muse song.

Matt said...

How about Windsock? Upright & Locked? Beginning Our Descent? Propwash? Crosswind?